Summer Internships
An internship is traditionally a three-month “job” where students get firsthand experience performing real-world tasks. The internship takes place during the summer months between May and August and is generally paid.
BYU’s MBA program has an excellent job placement rate after graduation, and part of this success can be attributed to the rigorous attention given to the internship process. The internship search can be an intensive process but here is a long list of resources to help the search.
Internship Resources
MBA Majors & Minors for an overview of each track and contact information for each track’s faculty advisor.
BYU Recruiting for the BYU Marriott School’s recruiting homepage.
MBA Recruiting Profile for current statistics and recruiters of the BYU MBA program.
BYU MBA Recruiting Partner List for MBA-specific companies that recruit through BYU.
Marriott School Internships for the Marriott School’s information about internships.
Alumni Career Services to browse job opportunities, career counseling, and networking through BYU alumni.
Business Career Research Guide for researching companies and job openings.
LinkedIn for professional networking.
Experience for networking with students, employers, and universities.
CareerBuilder for checking databases to review applicant job matches.
Flipdog for browsing local job listings.
Monster for posting your resume, search for jobs and get tips from articles.
Nation Job for connecting job seekers with the best-matching career
Chegg for searching internships and job opportunities from top employers.
Sherpa Mentor Program where 2nd-year MBA student has been assigned to guide 1st-year students with internship preparations, editing their resume, and practicing their interviewing skills.
Information Sessions where companies come to BYU campus to present information about jobs and internships with their company and explain the application process. Students can meet the representatives and begin networking.
Information Interviews where phone calls are set up with a company employee, often a BYU alum, to learn more about the company.
Conferences and Career Fairs for opportunities to interview with companies around the nation for internships and jobs. It’s recommended for students to schedule interviews with companies they’re interested in before attending a conference/career fair. The most popular are NBMBAA (National Black MBA Association) & NSHMBA (National Society of Hispanic MBAs), which typically hold their annual conferences at the end of September/beginning of October.
Treks are trips organized by the Marriott School to allow the students to visit major companies that specialize in their respective fields of interest.
Marriott School Clubs are hosted through the school and there is generally at least one for each track to help strengthen resumes, provide networking opportunities, and increase understanding of potential career paths.
Resume Building is a membership organization within each track that will help students with their resume and interviewing skills.
Finally, since not all companies come to campus or career fairs to recruit, traveling to New York City, Seattle, San Jose, etc. to visit the corporate headquarters can leave a great impression on the company. Many employers look very positively on candidates who come to visit on their own dime and pursue internship/job opportunities.
Each track has differences in the recruiting timeframe and processes. Knowing these details can help MBA students be better prepared in their applications and networking.
Organizational Behavior/Human Resources
September-November (can extend until April)
OB/HR recruiting is heavy between the first week of September and the end of November. Info sessions continue until early October, on-campus interviews happen early to mid-October, and fly-backs take place in late October and November.
Supply Chain
October-March (can extend until April)
Companies start posting Supply Chain opportunities in September and keep posting them through March. Career conferences are especially productive for supply chain students.
October-November (can extend until April)
Students who are pursuing a joint PD/MBA degree typically follow the same recruiting path as Supply Chain students.
October-January (can extend until April)
Marketing on-campus recruiting is not as strong as other tracks. It is critical for marketing students to attend career conferences, treks, and arrange to visit other companies of interest on their own.
September-December (can extend until April)
Finance recruiting often happens later than the other tracks, although many students have gotten early offers from attending conferences like NSHMBA and NMBMBA.
Internships and Job Offers
An internship does not always lead to a full-time job offer. Job offers from the internship are based on a variety of factors like job position availability, internship performance, likeability, work ethic, etc. If you want your internship to lead to a job offer, it is always wise to check if a full-time job offer may be a possibility before you accept an internship.
The following questions are good to keep in mind when searching for an internship that could lead to a full-time offer:
Is it a good fit for you and your family?
Do you like the company?
What is the compensation structure and benefits plan?
Do you like the city and the surrounding areas?
What do people do with their houses when they move for the summer?
Depending on your situation, student families usually:
Keep vacant
Move and put things in storage
How do we find housing for our internship?
Corporate Housing
Live with Family
VRBO- Vacation Rentals: http://www.vrbo.com/
Great Resource: THE BYU NETWORK: FB, Google Group, etc.
Contact Bishop or RS President in the area
There will be an Internship Info Night during Winter Semester where you will get a lot of information about this. You can also use the MBASA Facebook Group and Alumni Directory.
How to easily find/contact a Bishop:
Go to: https://www.lds.org/maps
It will bring up a search bar: type in the location of internship city, state.
It will populate contact information: Bishop and meeting times (left), and a map of the location of the building on the right