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Back To School Night: Really Good Info!

MBASA Presidency

Hello MBASA!

Thank you to everyone who attended Back to School Night! We know not everyone was able to join us that evening so we wanted to distribute the information that we went over.

Attached to this Blog you will find our powerpoint presentation as well as a handout. These two documents will walk you through things like how to use the MBASA directory, how to download the MBASA calendar to your phone, different ways to stay in touch on Facebook and email, and more.

At Back to School Night we spent a bit of time introducing the committees that plan and carry out our NUMEROUS activities through out the year. (Don't worry, you will not be bored!!!) ALL members of MBASA are invited to attend every activity. By signing up for a committee you are merely putting yourself out there as a person who is interested in helping plan and carry out the activities that that committee will plan this year. We appreciate any donation of time and talent that you can give, whether it be small or large!! Click Here to sign up for any committees you have interest in.

CLICK HERE for Back Top School Handout

CLICK HERE for the Back To School Night Power Point

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